Muh lil mohawkie

Mugshot of the lil mohwakie
Originally uploaded by SoopaSasta.
There are lot of things that make up the mad Sasta. One of the obvious physicalities is muh standy-uppy hair. My lil mohawk has been sprouting since the early days of '02. I'd always wanted one before that, but the idea of having a hairstyle that didn't suit my face- I've always had a rounded face (born dat way u see), so I didn think it was a good look to sport- made me a tad weary. I remember the day that I decided to go wit the flo very fondly....
*goes into a dreamy eyed reverie*
It was in the summer, when people decide to break out a bit and do a spring clean on their look. I hadn't been phased too much about the previous statement. It was actually my sista, who wanted to go to her hairdresser friend and help her out by having her hair cut into sum avant garde style. Anyways, there was sum chop-chopping to be seen. I was reading sum trendy magazine, as u do at the hairdresser, when Robin, my sista's hairdressers' boif comes up to me and says: " U really gonna stick to that bland, ponytail and fringe?" and I was like, "What u mean bland? U think u can do better?- Go ahead son :P" (If you don't know me, I'm the sort that takes ur challenges very seriously.)
So there I sat, black cape around the neck- ready to jump off the tallest building and save the world... Ooops wrong story-waiting patiently for the scissors to slide through my velvet strandies EEEKKKK. I watched in a somewhat shocked, out of body experience as he pulled an Edwards Scissorhands stunt on my hair. Turns out, i was being a drama kween for nuffin....
I walked out of there, with my new found mohawkie, determined to punk my funk.
Back to the present, I currently have my mohawk which has transformed into a Mullhawk. I'm glad tis finally growing- just wish it wud friggen hurry it up already. In the midst of this hairy era, I've lost one hairdresser to his scissors, one growth spurt by prompting my newest hairdresser to "cut it into a different style"- and him recreating the SAME EFFIN stand up effect! Grrrrr...
So wish me luck while I strive to grow this bloody thing out!!
Keepin it real,
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5:25 PM
:P Hope you grow as much hair as a.... monkey on a tree.. (dunno why!)
5:02 PM
@ Shrutz hahaha *lifts arm above head and scratches armpit "OOooh Ooohh"*
Thanks Pooper... I'll def try da spinach tip... dusn that make ur muskles grow tho?? I dun wanna look like a weighty builder YUCK! I dun think peeps will wanna read about me and my black cape story- might scare them shizless hehe.
Much luv peeps! xoxoxox
10:53 AM
If you think Valentines day was bad, you oughtta read
im not the guy, i just help spread the insanity...
11:07 AM
I give u an exception about my not commenting.Bcoz of ur comment i have realised what was wrong about my first post. and it was that i did not line the statements up in numbers. Thankyou for ur patience in counting the statements till u got to d desired guideline. I shall now convert the statements from bullet points to numbers. And to show my respect, I shall post your link up the page, for some time so that people will traffic into ur site when dey get to mine. I wuld luv it also if I, was linked on ur blog. thank u very much u popular sexy woman! Dis may be the last time i reply to u but no hard feelings, i do lurk regularly on some people's blogs without them knowing. so ill be leaving u with the wonderful thought of being specially watched by me. remember to eat BRAT.
1:19 PM
Thanks Dude. Will do da whole linkage thing. Gives a new meaning to BigDude'sWatching ffs eeek!
2:41 PM
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