This is for all those wackos out there that just wanna let their hair down and take in some nonsensical ummm..... nonsense. Well buckle up and let's go on a MaD HaTTa ride to Bollixville. WoOp WoOp De WoOp!ยก!

Monday, September 19, 2005

The missing link.

Scratching, paging, lifting, nook and crannies...

I spent a good chunk of Sunday searching for a recipe that I had seen about 3 weeks ago. It involved pears and ricotta. The picture on the page was of baked pears filled with scrumptious ricotta cheese. I remember thinking: "Boy, I need to make me some of THOSE delish looking babies!"

Last week while I was doing the usual odds and ends grocery hoard I even threw in a block of ricotta and instructed my sis to pick up some pears from the fruit and veg place.

So there I was standing in the kitchen with my block of cheese in the one hand and a pear in the other- I felt frustrated for going to these lengths and not being able to be rewarded for my efforts. I mean, come on, it's only every blue/indigo moon that I decide to put my baking gloves on!!

I decided to get inspired by browsing through some recipe books... I decided to make a pie thingy. I got a bowl and started throwing all the goodies in- mint that has a chocolate flavour, dark choco pieces, yogurt, honey, and of course the ricotta and pears.

It went in and out of the oven quiet quickly- looked alright... I couldn't wait to munch down!! ( gobble, gobble, spittle, yum!)

I had a slice whilst sitting in front of the telly. It was delish, delish and more delish. I went to bed and looked forward to the morning's healthy breakfast!

It was a wretched occasion- I stared at the remaining crumbs on the plate....

I have come to the conclusion that this "pie-experience" had to be a figment of my imagination. Firstly, I must have dreamt up the recipe, because all the magazines in the house had no such recipe. Secondly, how can a 25cm diameter pie just DISAPPEAR?

Someone please explain the phenomenon?



Blogger Unknown said...

Mmmmmm... dat pie wood bee delicious four dee munchies...

Hopin da' weak haz bean good ta ya so far!


4:10 PM

Blogger Roz aka The Twinset said...

Yeah pity it disappeared tho...

Been hectik week. Hope urs is soopa stylin'

Thanks for the visit.

P.S. Why you disable your comment function??

4:51 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

mornin', hi, hello & supp there...

all iz well dis side thanx... one moz sleep til da wkend!!! so cant complain! yeeeeeeeeeeeah!!!

as 4da blog commentz thingie? I got an email about sp@m etc on my comments page & dat it had been turned off 4 me own good! and suggested I aKtivate the no anonymous comments or word authentication on my comments page... so I did everything they said & deleted all da home-bond, p.c specials & porn ads from da previous article's comments... So now we shall c...

although something else iz also wrong wit it... as when anyone posts comments... i receive email notifications on some comments... and not others... Soz i doz not know!

anyways... hav a kick-butt day!


9:14 AM


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