Waxing lyrical
There are high's and low's to any goddarn job. Some more than others. This week (like most) I've hit the jackpot at both extremes.
The low-headed monster, would be, the tug-of-war we constantly have to play with clients. The best term to describe these people (yes, they are their own breed) is "Creative-Extinguishers". Their only reason for existence- bar eating all the cookies in the boardrooms- is to suck the life-blood from all our kickass executions (sometimes, it does feel like we're martyrs at the stake, but the exexutions that I"m refering to, are (anti-climax) just TV scripts). The other lows seem much more insignificant, when compared to these Creative-Extinguishers... One that does, lick at their heals are the "meatings" we have to sit in. Most of them, have nothing, to do with the creative process. Graphs and brand strategy do nothing for me, except make me want to rip the limbs off a Barbie Doll.
However bad these bottomless pits seem, there are some gems that make it all bearable...
Yesterday I got to witness one of these gem moments. It happened to involve Puple James, Vin and myself. Puple James wanted to ask me a very serious question, about some very serious rumours that he had been hearing. Me being chinese, prompted him to ask me of all people, whether the rumours were in fact, true.
Purple James(in a most convinced tone): "I've heard lotsa rumours that chinese peeps are actually half alien, half human, is it true?"
Me: "Well, to tell you the truth, we think YOU "white men" are actually half alien, half human."
Purple James (shocked): "You're joking!! "
Me: "What makes you think we're aliens anyway?"
Purple James: "Well, there's the fact that you don't have any body hair."
Me: "Sorry to burst your bubble, but I actually do have hair" (I then proceed to show him my arm)
At this point things started to go pear-shaped...
Vin decided to join in, by offering to make me half-alien. "How?", you ask. Well, being in advertising creates a collection of arb products around your office. Client believes, by giving us their products to test, inspires us to come up with better creative work- something about, sleeping, eating and living it... (Ummm, ok if they insist.)
Vin pulls out a wax strip, from the bottom of his desk draw and dares me to "become alien".
Me: "Bring it on!"
On witnessing my hair removal of the arm, Purple James felt dejected, and wanted to be part of the action, so he offered a body part...
Let's just say, after 6 wax stips later, he took it like a wo(ah)-MAN.
Here's just one pic from our "testing" session:

...I gots to love my job!
ahhhhhhhhhhhh*scared look*
12:13 PM
Looks like u need some waxing :D- giving me the hairy eyeball and all...
12:56 PM
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