Baaaaad hair day

I can't believe the lengths people go to, to make a quick buck... This morning I became another Jozi crime stat. After waking up, I discovered that my digi clock was not flashing its usual 7.45am. [Crap...Shit...NOOOO!!] I scrambled out of bed and started getting ready for work. I opened the curtains to let some light in and was relieved to see some electricians (who were probably dispatched for the very same non-electrical reason above) inspecting the electric box, which is housed across the road from my place. This was a good sign...
I later found out, that some IDIOTIC NIT WIT had broken into the electric box (which has a huge steal door that's bolted), cut the cables and STOLEN them!!! Have you ever?... This is not a new thieving phenomonen by the way- the electrical klepto steals the cables and later strips them for the copper wires, which he later sells :S
Because of this pathetic antic, I had no hairdryer. This was a tragic affair!!! I couldn't go to work with a flopsy mullhawk (previously muh lil mohawkie) I had to do something- so I did what any mulhawké would have done- I took a fine toothed comb to my flat tresses. I teased the shit outta my hair for some volume. Grrr... With some help from Mr Gel it looks sorta lush and presentablish. (Oh well, at least I don't have to look at it.)
I have yet to be told I look weird... I guess it says something about my daily look. Tehehe.
someone needs to put your out of your misery. i think im the guy to do it.
i would say that im sorry, but im not.
11:23 AM
how sad that someone has to steal shit to feed his 17 starving children, meanwhile you are left with frizzy hair.
tragic, indeed.
11:26 AM
Who knew your talents were two fold. I'm sure in the future, there will come a day, when I'll need you to suck my lifeblood dry (and I use that term figuratively). You'll definitely be the first to know when I need your enthusiastic assistance.
And even more tragic, is the fact that most of these scoundrels get electrocuted when stealing these wires...
12:01 PM
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