This is for all those wackos out there that just wanna let their hair down and take in some nonsensical ummm..... nonsense. Well buckle up and let's go on a MaD HaTTa ride to Bollixville. WoOp WoOp De WoOp!ยก!

Thursday, April 21, 2005

Voodoo Doll


Yesterday I wrote some words of winterdom, by doing so, I think I might have premonitorily seen something on the horizon...

Today I'm sitting here with a cold. My nasals are stuffed and my throat is itchy and scratchy.
There might be a few people (or maybe more) that don't particulary want to be stranded on a deserted island with me, but come on, there must be something more sinister behind this sudden outbreak! Someone MUST HAVE picked up a Sasta voodoo doll and poked it in the face.

Well whoever that was, Imma getcha!! By George (and Peter John Sullivan) Imma getcha! Imma acupuncture your butt to the wall if it's the last thing I do... (eeekkk my evil avenging self is coming out.)


Blogger dor said...

kooky kid is pretty cute..sniffles eh.. hav fun .. was it feed de fever and starve de cold or vice versa.. i generally hav an ice cream.. de voodoo pic is cool

8:53 PM

Blogger dor said...

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8:53 PM

Blogger Roz aka The Twinset said...

Yeah Kooky is KOOT :D Da cold has disappeared... woke up and PooF gone!.. I heal quickly lol.

10:52 AM

Blogger Zeke Tarsim said...

i wouldnt want to be stranded on a desert island with you. because islands are big. i want to be stranded in an elevator.

where i can kill you and no one will hear your screams. :(

11:15 AM

Blogger Roz aka The Twinset said...

I'm real slimy, u'd have to catch me first before you can do me harm... anyways I have 2 more lives left KAPOWWWW *drop*

11:27 AM

Blogger Zeke Tarsim said...

you underestimate me.

1:37 PM

Blogger Roz aka The Twinset said...

Well my math skills have been known to reek..

Pshhhh just lemme know when you plan to murder my arse so I can go buy a nice pritty sunday dress number.

1:40 PM


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