T 4 2 & 2 4 T
Working on the same project, can really start to stagnate any ideas you might have floating upstairs. All briefs should come with a mandatory expiry date- especially if you've been sleeping, dreaming, drinking your ideas for the past month.
The project I refer to is my Tea brief. It was inspiring and fresh when I first flipped through the pages. If pulled off, I would definately beable to scratch a notch in my creative bedpost.
It hasn't been as easy as I thought it would (Don't get me wrong, I definately believe in challenging myself- but come on... my mind has closed its doors and I'm left staring at a blank piece of paper- any creators most feared dead-end.)
I've tried going outside to get fresh air, but that's only caused my mind to concoct stories of prancing hippies and kaleidescope teapots. (This is what air pollution does to a person!). I don't think the target market would buy into something like that- so I've decided to scrap that idea and go back to the drawing board. The wastepaper basket has become my best friend, the pencil has been sharpened and I've even contemplated shoving it into me arm to put me out of this miserable brain drain....
I've now resorted to thumb-sucking... It's becoming a painful proccess since I have a tendancy to bite (hahahhahaha- get your bloody mind out the gutter). Anways, lets just say, I've lost the top layer of skin on me thumb.
In a desperate attempt to link some thought to tea I...... switch from a good cuppa inspiration to hardcore liquor...CHEERS!

Quite right! It is good idea. I support you.
2:15 PM
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