My Sista Blista

Sista Blista
Originally uploaded by SoopaSasta.
(From here on end my younger sibling will be known as Sista Blista- and yes, I call her that in real life. It's a term of endearment.)
I think Sista Blista is quiet fitting as her personality is---ummm swell. Once u get under her skin she exudes warm happy joo-joo jooce :D
Here are some facts about her:
-Height: 2 cm shorter than I am (we're both minute lil specimens)
-Sound she makes when wound up: Zoom, zoom, zoom, chugga, chugga, zoom! That's what her and Stella the sewing machine make.
-Best feature: Chocolate beauty spots on her arm- and damn she wished they were chocolate flavour too.
-Favourite past time: Sitting on the toilet reading fashion magazines.
-Best trait: Her colourful aura. Peeps are forever approaching her to try and steal sum of the rainbowic light.
-Worst trait: Acting like my mumster.
My SB and I have always been attached at the hip- well maybe not always, but for the most part anyways. We are exactly 14 months apart- I feel sorry for my poor mum pushing me out and 14 months later pushing my SB out! (Ewww, too graphic I know). Sista Blista and I are now inseparable. We breathe, eat, and sleep each other. We can sit without saying a word, and have a full blown conversation- well almost...
Recently she commented that I was a jack-of-all-trades. I walked to the oven to get me roast veggies out when I thought to meself: "Yeah I am a jacket of all trades aren't I?" And she looked at me and said- "Actually you are a jacket of all trades".
I din realise how close we were until we went to Canada to stay with our aunt who we'd only met twice when we were tots. She giggled at us whilst we squished into the teensiest of toilet cubicles as we both bobbed up and down needing to relieve ourselves desperately. She found it hilarious that over twenty year olds still did that. I never said we were mature for our age- so shhhhhh.
Which brings me to the point that she looks like a 16 year old. It's quiet coot watching young teenage boys try their luck with her. I remember a letter that one guy wrote her... Remember what I've once said to you, "You are the words and the music that plays over and over in my head...
Don't forget those words because you are going to need them some day and even though I know I might never have the opportunity to express my love for you in physicality, I am quiet content with the fact that one day when I'm sitting in my eternal abode, I will think back to the distant universe, to an insignificant little blue planet where a prince once loved a beautiful princess"
BOOOBLOODYHOOO!! it still brings tears to me lil retinas. *Snorkels all over the keyboard*
Needless to say, they never got together. SB has never had a proper boyfriend. She doesn't believe in it at the moment. She's having a love affair with fashion.
You av to admit, she sounds like stalker material. Don't get me wrong, she's all that and more- just don't get on her wrong side :S I remember when some buffoid owed my mum money and they wouldn't pay up. Let;s just say after my SB got hold of em; they;re still paying LOL.
My Sista Blista is one helluva character. Without her who would jump on my bed to wake me up in the morning? (And if that doesn't work, stick her finger in me ear.) Whose gonna phone me to ask where I am when I work late? Whose gonna dress me up like the freaky, funker punker that I am? Whose gonna teach me how to blatnig those monsters??
Viva-la Sista Blista! Keep the happy joo-joo jooce flowing!
:P pah pooper pah :P Ders nuffin wrong wit avin a sisita. Tis as close as one can come to being cloned.
See ya soon!!
3:48 PM
Thanks for the sister sharing! I love mine to death and after reading your blog i realised tht you sound more and more like me:) And oh no.. i read your last entry.. the one about the butcher and groaned.. you see my surname is 'bhuchar' but everyone calls me 'butcher'!
7:42 AM
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