What's that u say??
∆ˆ∂¨¥˚∂˙˙≤µ˜ç哈øæ…µ≥œæ™•¶º¡ª§∂˚µ≤∂˜ å“≈øœ…∑÷∂ ∑∂¬œ˚∑∂¥§–ªª•´≤˜≥≤π∑´ø¨∆« DA:FIad ˆπ∆˙©∂ƒ˙∂≈∑••øπ¬…÷µç÷≤æ™∞ß√∫˜√絘Ωπˆ∂∆≤˚˙
My brain works better in pictures anyway. So maybe I can decifer what people want me to hear, by the shape their lips make when the talk.
Grrrr, it blows chunks X 2, not having the adequate hearing ability for verbal comprehension. This damn intermediate popping sound is really grating me cheeZ. It sounds like a little man inside my ear walking over bubble wrap...
I did consider going to the pub for lunch with my work collegues but decided against it. The pros:
• I wouldn't have to come back to work with a post-rowdy-pub-headache.
• I wouldn't have to listen to beer-bellied, business-clad sports fanatics yelling at the communal TV screen.
• Me mouthing "Go-(insert appropriate/inappropriate word here) yourself dude!" to the abovementioned ball of yuck when getting hit on.
The cons:
• Me sitting here dining with my mouse, overlooking Blogonia.
• You unlucky peeps that have to read about my ordeal :D
*Enters the boss dude* I quickly press F11 to hide me windows...
Boss dude: "Sas.. (me making out my name from the hissing "s" coming out his mouth) this job ∂å߈∂çµåπ åˆ∂πˆ∑¶¢≈˜≤ åˆπƒ∂ˆå∆∂å∆¬å∂∂¨øåߨ∂ µå¬¨∂ (and that's where I lost him... oh well!
Here I am- new brief in hand listening to the little bubble man jumping up and down. oOoO*pop*_____(nuffin)___oOoOo*pop* Hi-ho, hi-ho, it's off to work I go...
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