Frost Bite

Brrr, cold...
No snow, just chilly winds slicin' 'n dicin'.
Blankets, willy warmers, hot choccie.
Crunched up, shivering body, heat.
Hibernated eyes slumbering.
Emotionless, dead- no movin', no groovin'.
Smog filled air, intoxicating, choking.
Gray matter, tiptoeing in slow motion.
Meloncholy vines entangle...
Fight or flight?
Spring in your step,
mind the gap.
ze photos cool but i strictly dissaprov of poems dat dont rhyme.. ya coulda written keep it comin
1:35 PM
pshhhhh :P Well I wasn writing for ya mister! It wasn sposed to be a poem... just words spewin i guess.
2:44 PM
hey didnt mean ta put ur bac up..
el spewin n gobbin is al wel n good but poetry wizout rym is borrrrin.. lol.. just kiddin.. check mine out...
8:28 PM
It's all water off the (rubba) ducks back hehe...
(I've posted some poems that rhyme... u shud read em)
Thanks for the imput aye!
10:01 AM
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