This is for all those wackos out there that just wanna let their hair down and take in some nonsensical ummm..... nonsense. Well buckle up and let's go on a MaD HaTTa ride to Bollixville. WoOp WoOp De WoOp!¡!

Friday, April 01, 2005

KoOky Kid

KoOky Kid

KoOky Kid has a hole is tum,
his dad before him, lost his liver to rum.

Whatever he ate; would drip out and leak,
kids would point and laugh; and call him a freak.

His only friend was a spider named Ted,
he would hang around and always play dead.

KoOky Kid just wanted to be normal,
so he dressed and acted alot more formal.

He decided to stitch up the hole in his tum,
the only problem now- he farts from his bum.

Hope you enjoy! [KoOky Kid© 2005 was illustrated and created by moi.]


Blogger dor said...

wat can i say.. tis cute

12:25 PM


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