Organ of Love

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You turn around and you're egged with this red 2-bummed-into-a-point shape. Yes, the prolific and iconic shape of love. Seen mostly during el Valentino month and pumping (less than 20bpm) on an operating table. For years, and many moonlit nights people have declared their undying love by hearting one another.
Going back to the operating table ie. Biology class of 1998, I remember little frog hearts that sure as helling did not resemble this 2-bummed-into-a-point shape that I referred to earlier. It was more greyish-pink, with root-like twirling arteries and veins encasing a mutated balloon.
I'm too lazy to find out, who decided that the organ of love, should be the heart and it's swirling ventricles. (Ok, ok, since you've insisted so very nicely, I will ask Jeeves). Well according to Jeeves: "The human heart has symbolized love and passion since ancient times, but only during the Middle Ages did it acquire the familiar shape and meaning it still has today..." (Thanks Jeeves, you're the man- now give him a round of applause!)
However, the question still begs. Why the heart? Why not the gall bladder, or the lungs? I suppose it doesn't have as nice a ring to it when you substitute *heart* with another bodily organ.
I *pancreas* U!
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