Scary Mary
Sleeping in a newly painted house can be a very infusing experience. The potent wafting from pillow to blanket, can induce some interesting dreams. I can’t recall any of these “trippy” numbers, but luckily I had to share my bed with my sister, who’s a very light sleeper.
The eye-witness account was a shocking, yet enlightening one. On awakening from this slumber, I was told that in the middle of the night I started shaking and moaning some “Uh-uh’s and Ahh’s”. When SB nudged my shoulder to try and wake me up, I shot up like a plank and stared out the window into the blackness. As I sat there, I started to mumble some jibberish concoction and then flopped back into the cushy mattress.
I swear, I can’t remember what force possessed me to converse with the face of eerie darkeness...
hahaha - been there and done dat... so i know what you mean!
My sister walked into my room to fetch sumting late at nite... and i sat up... and said to her "The waves are making me feel sick... and Jeeeez... Thats a lovely hat!" And then flopped down and carried on sleeping!!!
hahaha wierd hey... and of cos cant remember shite about it...?
Might be too much sugar...? Ya neva know hey...?
3:45 PM
wel happens to al of us at one time or de other.. i who thought dat i had stopped dreamin lik ages ago was amazed to hear ma roomies say i was spoutin some technical gibberish in de middle of de mornin(lol im strictly a nocturnal creature)..hey btw after centuries i made an check it out
7:16 AM
@ Billy
I'm glad that I'm not alone :D I don't think it's the sugar- but more like the inkahol :P
@ Dor
Don't u hate it when ur genius is wasted!! Imma chex ur bloggy now :D
Thanks for visiting :D
@ Poopah
The entertainment must be lacking in JackFroot land :P Nay, u know me is just joshing... you're very enlightening (sparkle, sparkle) when you wanna be :D
Sleep tight every1 and sweet dreams :D
12:01 PM
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