This is for all those wackos out there that just wanna let their hair down and take in some nonsensical ummm..... nonsense. Well buckle up and let's go on a MaD HaTTa ride to Bollixville. WoOp WoOp De WoOp!ยก!

Monday, October 17, 2005


Umm, it was yuck! My eye's hurt as I witnessed this visual eye sore through my rear-view mirror. It has affected my Monday and made it bluer. People with such vulgarities of public display should have their probiscus removed with a blunt object.

Didn't his mom teach him that picking his nose in public (even though in the "privacy" of his car) is a no-no?

EWWWWWW... not very boogalicious!


Blogger Unknown said...

Ha ha haaaa ~ itz cos people get that fish-bowl syndrome when they are in their car... like no one can see them and they are in a safe cacoon to do waht-eva!!!

So they go mining in their nasal cavities like snot-crazed-mofo's...

I tell you sitting in peak hour traffic for almost 2 hours a day you get to see some really sick & strange stuff...

I have seen some really hot... HOT chicks mining their noses for booggers so bad and deep in traffic that their second knuckle joint of their fingers are almost in their noses!!! Jeeeeeeeeez!!

Then you get the hungry few that chow it... or flick it out their window!!! Grrrr... seeing this is almost bad enough to do a u-turn and to call into the office sick!!

Perhaps if ya guilty of these things... so us all a favour... and get ya'selfs the darkest tinited windows that ya possibly can!!!

2:57 PM


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