This is for all those wackos out there that just wanna let their hair down and take in some nonsensical ummm..... nonsense. Well buckle up and let's go on a MaD HaTTa ride to Bollixville. WoOp WoOp De WoOp!¡!

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Prickly Vinegar Legs- take 3

(Read Take1 and Take 2 respectively before reading Take 3)

My sinuses were clogged to its full capacity and I couldn'’t breath. The dust engulfed me, as I leopard crawled to try and make it out of this mangled wreck. I was surrounded by what looked like a cabbage patch, but in actual fact, they were prickly humps of cacti. My limbs burned as the needles punctured through my fatty layers. I told myself the pain was a temporary sacrifice for my freedom, so I gritted my teeth, and endured the tattoo pricking.

I felt exhausted, but being home cushioned my heavy shoulders. Today, was my new leaf and I knew I needed to treat myself with some “"me-time"”. I planned to stay pyjama clad for the rest of the day, as I made myself comfortable in front of the telly. The relaxing bliss dissipated, when I watched in horror, as women in Rwanda told their stories of being raped by militia, as their children watched on. (My rational mind told me to change the channel, but my fingers were paralysed, as something deep inside told me otherwise- I listened to the sadistic cry and I felt their pain...)

I needed an upper, so my sister and I made our way to the video store. She drove, and I waited in the car as she went inside to get a movie (”Alfie” it was. Jude Law- yum. I was already feeling better).

“Start damn car, START!!” After a half and hour of simultaneously trying to pump the gas; as we tried turning the key in the ignition, we decided to jump-start the battery. I refused to get out of the car. I knew my fluffy, bear pyjamas were fit for sleeping, but somehow they weren'’t quiet right for public car maintenance...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

A friend told me a story almost like your one...

So i am going to tell you what i told him...

Lay off the acid man!!!!

10:25 AM

Blogger Roz aka The Twinset said...

Funny thing that..

Problem is, I've never taken acid in my life; or other drugs for that matter.

(All will be revealed in the stories to come. Keep reading you's :D)

10:38 AM


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