Teeth Ahoy!
This morning I noticed a personal idiosyncrasy that has obviously been there for a very long time. It's nothing to be ashamed of. Nothing that will make people point and laugh, but I have to admit- kinda weird.
Through the foam of the toothpaste; I noticed that every time I brushed the tops of my lower teeth, the tip of my tongue would obediently, and without fail, follow my toothbrush. Up, down, right, left... the little tongue wished to be at my toothbrushes side. I tried to will it to its proper place, but it refused to keep stationery under the roof of my mouth. I swear it has a mind of it's own- and make it's mind up it did: Never to be ostracized from it's brush buddy. The magnetic force that the brush has over my taste/lick/talk device is overwhelming...
I think it has something to do with the tongue being the strongest (and most dependant) muscle in the body.
Wake up, get a life sucker. This world can do without leeches...

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