The Dollie Syndrome.
Plastic outer shells stare blindly at the mushroom hamburger stand. They never knew life, until each of their heads were popped onto the same body, which strutted their minds into the world.It was a long wait but well worth it. They used to think of it as ventriloquism- but it’s not really the same thing. Once they got the opportunity to be capitated they were who they wanted to be, and not the other way around.
Dollie H00867 was the first to be corkscrewed onto the body. It was a privilege, an opportunity of a life time and she wasn’t going to let her successors down. As she synched up her brain neurons, she sent them out into the world per se. It was an out of body experience, just to have your body react to what your mind wanted it to do. A partnership made in heaven!!
Well that’s what she thought at first. The others were bound to get jealous. She willed her body to stay with her, but the others telepathically fought for the body to be theirs. It continued until Dollie H00867’s head was literally ripped from her plastic pivot.
The body lays in some dark child’s toy box, never to experience a step again. As for the heads, they are still numbered and waiting for some body to come along.

you think actual creation of life is like this!? :)
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