This is for all those wackos out there that just wanna let their hair down and take in some nonsensical ummm..... nonsense. Well buckle up and let's go on a MaD HaTTa ride to Bollixville. WoOp WoOp De WoOp!ยก!

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Here, there and everywhere

Yes, yes, your eyes don't deceive you... I have returned. It's been a helter skelter of a month (or maybe I've just been unmotivated and lazy- who knows). There's always some excuse not to nurture and de-weed one's piece of cyber-land. I want to be witty and interesting by giving you a crazy reason for my absence, but alas, none.

I have however, been sitting on my fat butter bum and mending the holes in my socks.



Blogger Unknown said...

Ey' lady... your blog needs some watering... before it like... dies and stuff...

Have a good loooooooooong weekend... have fun... keep clean...


3:56 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You still there... alive and kicking>??

2:41 PM

Blogger FIFI LAPIN said...

congratulations! you won!

send me your address so that i can send you your first prize!
...go to my blog, click on fifi's shop and then on contact fifi

4:50 PM

Blogger dor said...

heyya there.. im back too after a long long time.. :)

8:09 PM

Anonymous billyb##zer said...

Oooi... and how r you doing? Loooooong long time! Whats news girl?

11:29 AM


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