Stupid Cupid

Another year of big red hearts being shoved at you. You try to accept graciously, but never sincerely (again I probably speak for myself). Yesterday some blithering idiot put a PC on top of my D&G glasses. They look like Uri Geller got hold of them, bar one lone lens amiss (if there are any typos I blame it on not being able to see properly). Then there was that time that I made a wise crack about not wanting to weigh myself. The reason for that is plain as day. We as humans always equate our achievements, dreams, wholeness etc; to the external. So why weigh the external shell when we should be weighing our more important- internal. I am proud to say that I haven't stepped on the scale for over 8 months. A HUGE achievement for a woman. I hadn't done the gardening for over 3 weeks. Yes it looked like a tangled jungle, with wispy, emerald-green carpet strands. Lucky for me my mom decided to take the mower to it. Unfortunately for her she didn't know the mower had stubborn tendencies- and tried to maneuver it through the ultra-long blades. Lets just say she cut the electrical chord and the grass is all patchy.
What is the relevance you ask? Well there is none. The point is that its a bumbling piece of wasted breath and calendar space.
If you want more relevance check out last years post:
Fart that Heart...
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