This is for all those wackos out there that just wanna let their hair down and take in some nonsensical ummm..... nonsense. Well buckle up and let's go on a MaD HaTTa ride to Bollixville. WoOp WoOp De WoOp!¡!

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Floating in Shite!

I'm not one to bitch (well maybe just a little) but come on... I was pushing the "next blog" butty, when I was redirected to a handful of complete-and-utter-waste-of-time-and-cyberspace blogs.

Who actually dedicates a WHOLE blog to home loans? How sad and lame must one's life be! (The author is probably an agoraphobic). Then there was the pool blog... swimmalicious! And the BBQ blog?? No comment there.

Someone PLEEEEEASE write some entertaining stuff... pretty please.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

2 & a half decades...

Two and a half decades- that sounds like a freakishly long time to inhabit this planet.

I have to admit it hasn't been such a shabby ride; considering I've been scared many a time. However, it's never been an excuse to put a damper on my parade (I mean what's the use of that- no one likes soggy-blanket-types).

The past year has been really challenging, mostly on the emotional level. I'm not referring to the lack of retail therapy, or what my celluloid thighs have done to my self-esteem, my frustrations with the lack of "good people" out there, or even blue bloody Mondays... These are minor little affairs. Not even the childhood teasing, lashings by teachers, unreciprocated teenage crushes, consuming fear of public speaking can compare to the realization and overwhelming guilt that I've had to endure.

I never doubted that this was going to be the MOST difficult, life altering, prolific, apocalyptic decision of my life thus far, (yes, I am a drama queen). It's been a torturous ride, but I think I'm getting through it kinda fine-ish. The hardest part for me is articulating my feelings and dredging them up to the surface so I can actually deal with them. Seeing someone self destruct slowly and letting them go is most painful. (This was supposed to be light hearted evaluation of my years thus far, but it's turned out to be personal revelation of my inner demons and such...)

At least I still have my good looks (wrinkle-free I might add) and charming personality intact. Happy two-and-a-half decades to me!


Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Lights, camera, action...

As per- there's too much on my plate. I'm jet-setting to Cape Town tomorrow for a 3-day shoot. It involves an ambulance and a cyclist. The city's really going to love us after all the commotion (will report on my return).

There have been lots of idea floaters that I need to write about ie.

* SA Fashion Week
* White Hair
* Tails
* Losing shoes

I know it all seems arb and quiet strange, but I never denied that this blog catered otherwise.

Cya all on the flipside,
Rock on!