This is for all those wackos out there that just wanna let their hair down and take in some nonsensical ummm..... nonsense. Well buckle up and let's go on a MaD HaTTa ride to Bollixville. WoOp WoOp De WoOp!¡!

Tuesday, May 31, 2005


Busy, on hold,
Stress, crazy,
Headless chicken.


Friday, May 20, 2005

Ode to Toni


Recently people at my place of "hi, ho, hi, ho... it's off to work we go", have been dropping out like... flies, college kids? (yeah, something like that)

My last tea buddy left about a year ago, the next to spread her wings left about a 2 months ago... and then there's Toni.

Toni and I, go by the endearing term of "lil pygmies". We're both the same height you see- a mere 5'2. Being at the same ear-level comes in handy, as we can whisper office politics back and forth.

Lately, the politics have been at an all time high. People are malicious and spineless. It happens openly eg. I saw 2 client service (servant) woman haul their bodyweight at eachother- like rabid dogs in a ring. As the one went for the jugular the other screamed profanities (from the same mouth she kisses her 6 year old daughter with, I might add). I reckon, it's something in the water (no one seems to believe me...typical height discriminators!!!)

For this very reason, Toni has decided enough is enough...

I don't blame her really, I can never see any action... blasted height!

Tuesday, May 17, 2005


me copy

This is the true me... exposed to the core. *shiver*

(Summin' I did for summin')

Monday, May 16, 2005

Office Rumours


Friday night in the bar (the ad agency that I work at, has it's own rooftop bar, that opens up every friday night for us to drink our weekly sorrows away) was very, very, very interesting.

After a few drinks, some creatives that I work with, devulged some juicy office rumours that have been floating around. It involved myself, and a newly hired copywriter... The devulgés said that the copywriter had been telling them (they all share an office) that he and I were "getting down" (as they had put it). On hearing this blatant rubbish, it took me back to my highschool years... When last had I been part of malicious adolescent gossip? I felt warm and fuzzy inside- yeah right...

This morning I confronted the copywriter, he later sent me an e-mail that read:

Is information gathered through coercion and assumption valid?

Example: young (dashing and handsome) copywriter gets accosted by a team of female art directors. While their enquiries may seem innocuous, their motives are not. They are out to create mischief. They ask "is there something goin down with you and S? You spend very much a lot of time in her office?"
young copywriter, puzzled, answers "Not that I am aware of, despite her being a mighty cool chick as well a fine cook."
Cut to today, in the young copywriters office. He sits at his desk wondering what alse is being said about him. Damn working in this office can make you paranoid!

Ahhh, the joys of working with creative minds- the fine line of fantasy and reality often gets blurred...

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Me, My life and Irene

"Just when you think it's over it creeps up and bites you on the butt, or even worse, it's like the garlic burp that keeps repeating itself, without any warning."

This unfortunate phenomonen seems to haunt most of my life. It feels like I can't get away from this bad surprise party. I understand fully, that most people have to deal with this in certain degrees, but it just seems to have warmed to me more.

WHY am I magnet for negative energy? Or is all my positive energy somehow leaking from the tiny cracks that have formed? (To make matters worse, the spectators have been given sticks to probe with- "Ooooch that tickles!")

You might ask: "How can you be sure if there isn't any evidence?" (Well I was getting there you impatient little git. Hold your damn horses!) A good story has to hook the reader, with a captivating intro, and only then, lay down the facts. And yes - for those observant ones - I am blatantly stalling for a greater impact.

Ok, back to the story... ummmm... what was I writing about again?

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Baaaaad hair day

bad hair day

I can't believe the lengths people go to, to make a quick buck... This morning I became another Jozi crime stat. After waking up, I discovered that my digi clock was not flashing its usual 7.45am. [Crap...Shit...NOOOO!!] I scrambled out of bed and started getting ready for work. I opened the curtains to let some light in and was relieved to see some electricians (who were probably dispatched for the very same non-electrical reason above) inspecting the electric box, which is housed across the road from my place. This was a good sign...

I later found out, that some IDIOTIC NIT WIT had broken into the electric box (which has a huge steal door that's bolted), cut the cables and STOLEN them!!! Have you ever?... This is not a new thieving phenomonen by the way- the electrical klepto steals the cables and later strips them for the copper wires, which he later sells :S

Because of this pathetic antic, I had no hairdryer. This was a tragic affair!!! I couldn't go to work with a flopsy mullhawk (previously muh lil mohawkie) I had to do something- so I did what any mulhawké would have done- I took a fine toothed comb to my flat tresses. I teased the shit outta my hair for some volume. Grrr... With some help from Mr Gel it looks sorta lush and presentablish. (Oh well, at least I don't have to look at it.)

I have yet to be told I look weird... I guess it says something about my daily look. Tehehe.