The missing link.
Scratching, paging, lifting, nook and crannies...
I spent a good chunk of Sunday searching for a recipe that I had seen about 3 weeks ago. It involved pears and ricotta. The picture on the page was of baked pears filled with scrumptious ricotta cheese. I remember thinking: "Boy, I need to make me some of THOSE delish looking babies!"
Last week while I was doing the usual odds and ends grocery hoard I even threw in a block of ricotta and instructed my sis to pick up some pears from the fruit and veg place.
So there I was standing in the kitchen with my block of cheese in the one hand and a pear in the other- I felt frustrated for going to these lengths and not being able to be rewarded for my efforts. I mean, come on, it's only every blue/indigo moon that I decide to put my baking gloves on!!
I decided to get inspired by browsing through some recipe books... I decided to make a pie thingy. I got a bowl and started throwing all the goodies in- mint that has a chocolate flavour, dark choco pieces, yogurt, honey, and of course the ricotta and pears.
It went in and out of the oven quiet quickly- looked alright... I couldn't wait to munch down!! ( gobble, gobble, spittle, yum!)
I had a slice whilst sitting in front of the telly. It was delish, delish and more delish. I went to bed and looked forward to the morning's healthy breakfast!
It was a wretched occasion- I stared at the remaining crumbs on the plate....
I have come to the conclusion that this "pie-experience" had to be a figment of my imagination. Firstly, I must have dreamt up the recipe, because all the magazines in the house had no such recipe. Secondly, how can a 25cm diameter pie just DISAPPEAR?
Someone please explain the phenomenon?