Number of times been stranded without petrol: 2
Yes, I've officially run out of petrol a whole two times. It's staggering! It's a female stereotype that I admit to being a victim of.
The first time was because I wanted to find out how far my car could go without filling it up. It was a small Renault Clio 1.4. however, it used to take ALOT of petrol, some R230 worth (South Africans will understand why all the bitching and moaning about the fuel price). It never really got to me because I could do between 600-700 kilometers on a full tank.
So one night I decided to break the kilometer barrier. The shining orange light came on the night before whilst driving to some club. (I used to chance it only from the previous night coming home from work).
I was really anxious when I turned on the ignition to drive home. A shot of adrenaline shot through my body. I was determined to add a few more km's to the chart. I almost made it home too!!
This Saturday was stuckage number two. (Before I continue, I’d like to make it clear, that it wasn’t my fault. It was my sister’s car. I only drove there. How am I supposed to know that it NEEDED petrol?) We had just finished mashing it up at some club in Jozi town, when we made our way to the car.We jumped in- me in the passenger seat- and my sister turned the ignition. Nothing.... Nada...
Luckily the dude that organized the party, pointed us out to some other dude that could be of assistance. This dude looked way dodge, my first instinct was to brave the walk to the petrol station, muggings and all. My sister telepathically convinced me otherwise- two little people and a group of armed men- I wasn’t really in the mood.
I hope number 3 never comes!