Recently people at my place of "hi, ho, hi, ho... it's off to work we go", have been dropping out like... flies, college kids? (yeah, something like that)
My last tea buddy left about a year ago, the next to spread her wings left about a 2 months ago... and then there's Toni.
Toni and I, go by the endearing term of "lil pygmies". We're both the same height you see- a mere 5'2. Being at the same ear-level comes in handy, as we can whisper office politics back and forth.
Lately, the politics have been at an all time high. People are malicious and spineless. It happens openly eg. I saw 2 client service (servant) woman haul their bodyweight at eachother- like rabid dogs in a ring. As the one went for the jugular the other screamed profanities (from the same mouth she kisses her 6 year old daughter with, I might add). I reckon, it's something in the water (no one seems to believe me...typical height discriminators!!!)
For this very reason, Toni has decided enough is enough...
I don't blame her really, I can never see any action... blasted height!