This is for all those wackos out there that just wanna let their hair down and take in some nonsensical ummm..... nonsense. Well buckle up and let's go on a MaD HaTTa ride to Bollixville. WoOp WoOp De WoOp!¡!

Monday, October 24, 2005

Teeth Ahoy!

This morning I noticed a personal idiosyncrasy that has obviously been there for a very long time. It's nothing to be ashamed of. Nothing that will make people point and laugh, but I have to admit- kinda weird.

Through the foam of the toothpaste; I noticed that every time I brushed the tops of my lower teeth, the tip of my tongue would obediently, and without fail, follow my toothbrush. Up, down, right, left... the little tongue wished to be at my toothbrushes side. I tried to will it to its proper place, but it refused to keep stationery under the roof of my mouth. I swear it has a mind of it's own- and make it's mind up it did: Never to be ostracized from it's brush buddy. The magnetic force that the brush has over my taste/lick/talk device is overwhelming...

I think it has something to do with the tongue being the strongest (and most dependant) muscle in the body.
Wake up, get a life sucker. This world can do without leeches...


Monday, October 17, 2005


Umm, it was yuck! My eye's hurt as I witnessed this visual eye sore through my rear-view mirror. It has affected my Monday and made it bluer. People with such vulgarities of public display should have their probiscus removed with a blunt object.

Didn't his mom teach him that picking his nose in public (even though in the "privacy" of his car) is a no-no?

EWWWWWW... not very boogalicious!

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Burning Hate


(Since I started the theme of emotion, I might as well stick with it. The polar emotion of love- hate.)

As complex, multi-faceted creatures; we are all wired differently (thank god for bluetooth). Although, we share many similarities, we are wholly our own person. That said; how we deal with things is up to our own little motherboards.

Little pet peeves only exist because we choose to let them get under our skin. But what happens when that little peeve decides to sprout into HATE? A very strong word, reserved for those very rare occasions to express utter discontent.

There are many hates that we all harbor. Some more serious than others eg. My hate for Irene Bester, which is totally just I might add- I mean how can a baggy old hag continuously wear pearly pink lipstick, eyeshadow AND rouge with her lycra wardrobe that always sports an African animal print. I understand that we're supporting "Proudly South Africa" but come on! And that wretched Aussie accent? (Yes, I have been wronged every time I change the channel) blah, blah... But when does this dark collection start to infect and fester the organ of love? It is only a matter of time before our organs become tarred and blackened. It's definitely a cause of concern.

I'm sure we can eat our veggies and maybe our once blackened organ of love can regenerate itself. If that fails, we can always slap on a patch and call it quits. Or better yet, we can make a list of all the hateés that have graciously affected us, write a letter to each about how they've wronged us, sleep on it and burn the letter the next day.

Bonfires have always been very therapeutic to watch!

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Organ of Love


I <3 Daft Punk
I <3 Choc Chip Ice-cream
I <3 Freudian slips (see previous post)
I <3 Dripping Water
I <3 Jack 2005
I <3 the Queen
I <3 Scary Girl

You turn around and you're egged with this red 2-bummed-into-a-point shape. Yes, the prolific and iconic shape of love. Seen mostly during el Valentino month and pumping (less than 20bpm) on an operating table. For years, and many moonlit nights people have declared their undying love by hearting one another.

Going back to the operating table ie. Biology class of 1998, I remember little frog hearts that sure as helling did not resemble this 2-bummed-into-a-point shape that I referred to earlier. It was more greyish-pink, with root-like twirling arteries and veins encasing a mutated balloon.

I'm too lazy to find out, who decided that the organ of love, should be the heart and it's swirling ventricles. (Ok, ok, since you've insisted so very nicely, I will ask Jeeves). Well according to Jeeves: "The human heart has symbolized love and passion since ancient times, but only during the Middle Ages did it acquire the familiar shape and meaning it still has today..." (Thanks Jeeves, you're the man- now give him a round of applause!)

However, the question still begs. Why the heart? Why not the gall bladder, or the lungs? I suppose it doesn't have as nice a ring to it when you substitute *heart* with another bodily organ.

I *pancreas* U!

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Side note...

To those of you with "dirty" minds, I'm aware of the "phallic" pics that feature in my last two posts.

I know it's very Freudian- sue me. Sexual tension my ars... antennae! (Shit, I can't win- everything has a sexual connotation).



Since so many people know me so well- and this blog is an honest, down-to-earth, open account of my life and other happenings- I might as well divulge a deep and dark secret I've been harbouring for some time. Well, it's not so much a secret, it's more a continuous yearning. One that has become part of what defines me, or the potential person that I could become.

Yes, something is missing. I've felt it for about 6 years now. A loss. A void. It makes me sad. I feel like I can't function fully without one.

I wish I had a tail! (I look forward to Christmas...)


"If you're happy and you know it, wag your tail..."

Monday, October 03, 2005



There are 2 parts to this very tale...

I'll start on the subject of the titling of this piece. ENGAGEMENT- A very serious and life-changing phenomenon, an uncertain certainty. Can a person at the foetal stage of their life, make such a decision? Well maybe they can- on average less than half the population has succeeded. It's a very blurry concept. Yes, I'm a cynical piece of old spinster bag. The bottom line is; people CHANGE. Change is a wonderful thing, it can be an invigorating ball busting, first stretch in the morning experience. So how do you plan for these changes? How do you know if you're going to grow apart? How do you know if the other person won't succumb to temptation? How, how, how...

That's where fear into the unknown comes into play. Love will conquer all... Blah, blah, blah. I truly hope with all my musterings, that it's true. (Please let it be true, pretty please?).

The reason for me going on about over-rated, certified companionship; brings me to my Saturday evening. My sister and I were invited to an engagement barbie (braai). The bride-to-be was a young lass- 24 years old at that. When asked the paramount question of any engagement party; she nervously bit her lip and regurgitated: "Well, we don't really want to rush it. I think we'll probably have it in 2007. March maybe?". Boy she sounded excited. I couldn't contain myself...

Why would a person do that to themselves? I mean, if there's a miniscule inkling of doubt- say NO for freaksakes! It's your life and the other person's life at stake! It kinda made sense when you looked at them. She's the nice, passive-aggressive type, that sacrifices herself, and what she believes in, to make others happy. He on the other hand, is her polar opposite. Yup, a right arsehole. Urks me off- opposites attract, my bloody twisted bunion!

What a beautiful start to the evening...

As we continued outside, we were greeted by blank stares as if to say, "Freak brigade party, next door!" I should have listened to my gut warning me earlier. Firstly, I don't do "braais". I find them gross especially since I'm a vegetarian. It's mostly the smell of burning flesh that reeks me... Secondly, I should have known that braais are synonymous with jockified, beer-drinking pratts. I could hold my nose and take small gasps of air to block out the wretched smell, but the jocks were everywhere. Yes I am a traitor to South African culture. I don't give a Care Bear. I don't even care if I become a social pariah.

I also came to the conclusion- after denying it for sometime (especially since we as humans are supposed to be progressive and understanding)- that people are facade-obsessed bastards. I can say that with great certainty, because the ONLY conversation- bar the chitty with the bride-to-be - was with some borewors munching imbecile. On every occasion I decide to venture outside my cocoon, I get asked- where I'm from. Bluntly I always answer, "Jo'burg". They retort as if I'm trying to dodge the obvious, "No, where are you from originally?" Originally well if you must know- my mom and dad had sex (you know when my dad's willy gets... yeah a bit too graphic) and I grew inside my mom's uterus for nine months; that's where I was later pushed out. Yes, I am South African, yes I was born in South Africa, and yes my parents were born here. I know I'm over reacting, but sometimes it can get annoying... Haven't people seen South African Asians? My god, we make up a good 5% of the population! Back in the day we were discriminated upon, we were classed with the Blacks in the Apartheid system. Even today we don't count. We have no voice, no colour, no country.

Today I count for me :D VIVA SASTA!!!