There are a few things in my life that I truely love- the red, fiesty, burn-baby-burn number is definitely one of 'em. I've recently become more immune to the gastric explosion, thus allowing me to constantly fuel my burning desire...
I can now say the more the merrier, and every munch down is a chilli oppurtunity.
I'm officially a capsaicin addict, it has reached the point- where at every meal I need my fix or I find myself not feeling satisfied. It is becoming a problem... people are refusing to cook for me saying that it's sacrilege to mess with flavours... that chilli dun go with mac and cheese (bollix!) :S
I HAVE NEWS FOR YOU ALL: CHILLI GOES WITH EVERYTHING!!! (I mean look at the recent fusion of the chilli choccie combo (that no one ever thought possible). I rest me case!
On satty I went to dinner at an authentic northern Indian restaurant (by the way- my fav food is indian if you haven't already guessed). Let's just say I've been to most of the Indian restaurants in and around Jo'burg. However, this was my first visit and I wasn't sure what the heat-level was like- so to play it safe (since I was sharing my palak paneer) we opted for medium. I wasn't too phased as I knew I could always order a side plate of chilli.
The food came, and I was right- the heat was lacking, so I needed the extras. The waiter was summoned and arrived with a plate of 12 whole, unripe greenies. ("Ummmm, and what am I sposed to do with these? Gobble them up whole?") Let's just say the plate went back with only 2...
Throughout the meal, the waiters kept coming to inspect me masticating (pah haha... how rude!)- they couldn't understand how a pigmy-sized person could eat all them chillis (dynamite? small packages?) They kept asking if I needed anything to drink...
One even commented that in all his years working there, no one had ever eaten so many chillis, he said I looked like an apple... (huh?) a red apple to be exact.
P.S. My intestines are intact- and no, I don't need frozen toilet paper!!!